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Connecting People
in Haywood County


Positively Haywood Fellowship Program

Fellowship [ˈfelōˌSHip] NOUN – friendly association, especially with people who share one’s interests.

“Valuing fun, engagement, and fellowship as the cement of the community”

As part of this growth and expansion, Positively Haywood introduces our Positively Haywood Fellowship Program, a branding tool designed to recognize those who align with and help fund our Mission. Political campaigns and agencies excluded.

In September of 2015 Positively Haywood published its first issue of a local print publication dedicated to connecting Haywood County residents, businesses and organizations. Over time our readership driven publication has gained a reputation of providing timely, concise, local information every month, delivered to every residence. Our goal is to encourage local involvement in community organizations and efforts, preserve Haywood County’s rich heritage, as well as shopping local to enhance the local economy.

The high value content of Positively Haywood distributed through direct mail ensures that all residents know what is happening in Haywood County for the next 30 days at the beginning of every month. In 2020, we will expand our digital presence (as requested by readers) and introduce additional programs that enhance our mission:

“Positively Haywood connects residents, community organizations, and businesses within Haywood County to benefit all.”

Fellowship Level – $250/Year

The Fellowship Level includes a listing in the Positively Haywood print publication and at Vicinitus.com, recognizing those who support this free, delivered, Haywood County focused publication.

Community Watch Level – $500/Year

The Community Watch Level includes a listing in the Positively Haywood print publication and includes your Logo at Vicinitus.com, recognizing those who support this free, delivered, Haywood County focused publication as important to the evolution and growth of the Haywood County Community.

Community Leadership Level – $1000 or more/Year

The Community Leadership Level includes a listing in the Positively Haywood print publication and includes your Logo & Business Description at Vicinitus.com recognizing those who support this free, delivered, Haywood County-focused publication as important to the evolution and growth of the Haywood County Community and are local leaders in their industry or mission of their organization.